
The members of the Harper-Keffer Research Group gathered in the University of Tennessee gardens for a group photo on a beautiful spring afternoon from May 2023. Pictured from left to right:

Chris Webb (MSE, senior), David Keffer (MSE, professor), Kendhl Seabright (CRC, lab manager extraordinaire), Michael Broud (MSE, junior), Matthew Valderrama (MSE, senior), Jakob Scroggins (MSE, sophomore), Emma Howard (MSE, junior), Bert Rodriguez (CRC, post-Masters researcher), Amy Kurr (ESE, PhD student), Jacob Morton (MSE, MS student), Cece Grubb (MSE, PhD student), Cotton Pekol (MSE, PhD student), Mohsen Samandari (MSE, PhD student), Eli Christoph (MSE, MS student), David Harper (CRC, professor), & Jonah Brown (CBE, PhD student).

Not pictured: Rochelle Stiles (CBE, senior) & Quintinne Madsen (CRC, researcher).

A one-page description of research done in the group is here.

David P. Harper


David Keffer

David Harper


Kendhl Seabright

Gilberto Rodriguez

Lotus Brown

Matthew Valderrama

Graduate Students

Amy Kurr

Jonah Brown

Cecile Grubb

Melanie Moczaldo

Mohsen Samandari

Colin “Cotton” Pekol

Undergraduate Students

Quintinne Madsen

Jakob Scroggins

Michael Broud

Emma Howard

John Greene

Mohammad Husein

Jeremy Driver